I read up on the propositions some more and have some revised views. I think I have more yes votes than before. Yes for Marriage is still a yes, of course
100 Yes - This would prevent a future law to tax real estate transactions. I wish there weren't so many complications in the text that could create problems but the basic issue is to vote yes to prevent a future potential tax
101 Healthcare - vote yes. Another one with too many words but the idea is prevent someone from being punished for opting out of Hillary Care when Obama puts it in place. Once government takes over healthcare then the next step will be to punish those that don't participate because not playing along will be considered unfair.
102 Yes for marriage. Marriage is a man and woman. Any questions?
105 majority rule - This could be a scary one but I will vote yes based on republican principle. This would help to get rid of all the propositions we have in Arizona. The power to legislate lies with the people and they can reserve this right. But in our republican government we turn over this power to the legislature and elect representative to create law. The problem with propositions is there is no room for debate and compromise. Bad laws go into effect without this required tempering. After this passes it will make it much more difficult to pass a ballot proposition. That I agree with. You will have to have a majority of registered voters to pass an initiative. The vocal minority will not be able to get things done. Only when most of the people are very excited about something will you be able to get another ballot proposition to pass.
200 I am voting no like I always do unless I see a good reason to vote yes. Payday loans are stupid but don't need to be illegal. They will expire if you vote no. But I am sure they will find a new way to renew them because too many people are making money. Let the legislature talk this out and find a way to renew if people really want them so bad.
201 Homeowner right bill - vote no! This is a bad idea. If you can read you will see how silly. The homebuilder are not evil and don't need to be punished. Unions are horrible and we don't need them. Arizona has done well as a right to work state. One effect is that it will take away legal rights of businesses. It will remove people from bidding on work. It is a lawyers dream and people will wait for courts to settle disputes
202 Don't employ illegals. Vote no. Our laws to keep illegals out of the system is just starting to take effect. Don't ruin it now by voting yes. It isn't perfect but things are improving. This proposition guts all past attempts to curb illegal hiring. The signs may say "stop illegal hiring - vote yes" but if you read it then you will see. Vote no to stop illegal hiring
p.s. once we get illegal hiring under control then we can work on guest workers. It is the only logical progression
300 pay raise Yes. The legislators aren't overpayed. I would like to get rid of their retirement program. I think all government pensions are a bad idea but that is a different topic
There are still a few more weeks to read for more details if you want but they are pretty boring. Note that 102 is the shortest.