Tuesday, June 06, 2006

No updates

My job has kept me swamped. No energy or time to write. It may be a few more weeks

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Oil Conspiracy - price fixing revealed

Powerful groups are working against America. Powermongers and lobbyists have conspired to push up oil prices. They have schemed to prevent new oil from coming to market. They have rallied around oil industry chokepoints and hindered all attempts to build new refineries. They have isolated oil rich areas, keeping them hidden and undeveloped in order to increase power of foreign oil.

But you can fight back against this dark mob.

Vote them out of Congress and elect people who understand economics

Monday, May 01, 2006


I am sure you have looked at your paycheck and seen a large sum of money taken out as FICA tax. Ever wonder where it goes? Into the lockbox? Ever try to get it back on tax return? I haven't complained about socialism for a few posts so here it is. Social Security and Medicare are a scam. If this money was invested by the owners then they could all retire on their own. Instead it is stolen and then wasted.


Comments and article sent to me from a friend.......

Missing from all of this is the concept that all Ponzi schemes mathematically fail given enough time. That is why they are illegal to set up and execute, unless of course you're the government. Then it's called a "program".
The term "trust fund" is also a misnomer, as it implies that there is money sitting in the fund with your name on it. Not until the very last sentence does the real picture begin to emerge - the "trust fund" is nothing more than a stack of government IOU's.
Anyone ever see the movie "Dumb and Dumber"? They found a suitcase full of cash, spent it and filled the suitcase with slips of paper that said IOU $XXX? The crook came back to get his money, and when he had them at gunpoint, the idiots explained, "All the money is there. These slips of paper are as good as money. See, this slip of paper is worth $250,000. You might want to hang onto that one."
It was funny because no one in their right mind would actually believe those slips of paper were money, even though the two idiots in the movie thought they were accounting for it all. But the government can make good in its IOU's. The problem is that when it does so, it hurts the economy either by inflating existing currency, or stealing wealth from the private sector, or both.
To raise the actual cash, the government must:
(1) Print more money - which is just another tax that depreciates the value of already existing dollars, but don't expect the report to say that.
(2) Raise taxes - self explanatory
(3) Cut spending - no necessarily "in other programs". Likely they'll legislate that payouts are less but are distributed over a longer time, though they can't also legislate that you live X years longer.
Most likely a combination of all three will be done. The Feds will also print more money since this is a proven method of bamboozling more money from the public without their knowledge. They will also raise taxes, and likely will cut spending from the program itself as described above.
And oh yeah - the Supreme Court has already ruled that you have no actual claim to this money. Kind of redefines the concept of a "trust fund". The money isn't really there, and it isn't really yours anyway. Ladies and gentlemen, this is "our social safety net".

Social Security, Medicare Trust Funds Sink

By MARTIN CRUTSINGER, AP Economics Writer 57 minutes ago
The trust fund for Social Security will be depleted in 2040, a year before expected, and Medicare will exhaust its trust fund reserves just 12 years from now, trustees for the programs said Monday.
Their annual report showed deterioration in the financial condition of both of the government's two largest benefit programs.
A year ago, the depletion of the Social Security trust fund had been projected to occur in 2041 and the Medicare hospital insurance fund in 2020.
The trustees, who include the head of the Social Security Administration and three members of President Bush's Cabinet, painted a sober assessment of the health of the two programs in advance of the looming retirements of 78 million baby boomers.
"We do not believe the currently projected long-run growth rates of Social Security or Medicare are sustainable under current financing arrangements," the trustees said in this year's report.
Bush's efforts last year to overhaul Social Security went nowhere in Congress. Even members of his own party refused to support the benefit cuts that would have accompanied the establishment of private accounts for younger workers.
Treasury Secretary John Snow, who is the chairman of the trustees' panel, told a news conference that the country faced a "looming fiscal crisis as the baby boom generation moves into retirement." He said the administration stood ready to work with Congress to come up with a solution.
"The serious concerns raised by the trustees' reports demand the attention of America's policymakers and the public," Snow said.
Bush, facing bleak prospects for winning approval for any changes in an election year, called in his State of the Union address for creation of a bipartisan panel to study the issue and come up with recommendations, just the latest in a number of commissions that have examined the programs.
While the depletion of the reserves built up over past years is projected to occur in just 12 years for Medicare and 34 years for Social Security, both programs will face financing issues much sooner at the point that the amount paid out each year exceeds the amount the government collects to fund them.
For Medicare, that occurred for the year of 2004. However, the program is projected to be in the black again before crossing over to paying out more than it takes in again.
For Social Security, the point at which the program will pay out more in benefits than it takes in will occur in 2017, the trustees projected, the same as in last year's report.
The trust funds contain the equivalent of government IOUs. To raise the actual cash to meet obligations, the government must either borrow more money from the public by issuing marketable Treasury securities, raise taxes or cut spending in other programs.
Social Security: http://www.socialsecurity.gov
Medicare: http://www.cms.hhs.gov

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Gas Price Investigation

Terry Goddard wants to begin investigation into high prices and gouging. Silly man, there is no suh thing as gouging. Price controls mean shortages. If something is cheap than people buy a lot. The cause of shortages is bad legislation. Poor government has created the problem. More ill government will not solve it.

Great column on opinionjournal.com about prices and the messed up republicans

We need to reduce gas taxes, open more drilling and build more refineries and eliminate the EPA to get rid of high prices.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Phoney AIDS crisis

You may have heard about an AIDS crisis in Africa. Like global warming it is not true

links in the article from aim.org

Steyn on nukes

Iranian president is a nut - or is it just me?

Mark Steyn wrote great column on Iranian nuclear strategy.

Back when nuclear weapons were an elite club of five relatively sane world powers, your average Western progressive was convinced the planet was about to go ka-boom any minute. The mushroom cloud was one of the most familiar images in the culture, a recurring feature of novels and album covers and movie posters. There were bestselling dystopian picture books for children, in which the handful of survivors spent their last days walking in a nuclear winter wonderland. Now a state openly committed to the annihilation of a neighboring nation has nukes, and we shrug: Can’t be helped. Just the way things are. One hears sophisticated arguments that perhaps the best thing is to let everyone get ’em, and then no one will use them. And if Iran’s head of state happens to threaten to wipe Israel off the map, we should understand that this is a rhetorical stylistic device that’s part of the Persian oral narrative tradition, and it would be a grossly Eurocentric misinterpretation to take it literally.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Kill him already

It is an embarassment and a violation of justice that Moussaoui hasn't been hung yet. He is an evil murderer. We have an obligation to kill him. It is a legal, Christian, patriotic, and humane duty.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Politics and blogs

FEC ruled that blogs will not be subject to all campaign laws. Aren't they kind to allow people to write what they want? Even if it contains political messages or endorsements they will only be restricted in terms of disclosure of finances. Ad payment will have to be dislosed, for example. Sen. McCain should be run out of the country for this violation of rights called Campaign Finance Reform. Maybe we should revive the practice of burning in effigy. What a slime. And of course he excluded the Indian Gambling where he gets millions of dollars.
But my real question is why? Why don't they regulate internet content? Some people want to. I am sure McCain will come up with a new law and the President will sign it. I think I know why they back away from trying to control political speech on the internet - because they can't. No one will care or listen. No one would obey such a stupid law. And you can't have mass violation of the rulings of government or the power of government would be undermined. They would rather back down and maintain illusion of supremacy.

May Day

Of course the illegal immigrants would plan a big march for May 1st. Because they are fools misled by communists and socialists.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Religious schools

From comments: The only alternatives are either private or home schooling. Private schools can be cost prohibitive for many families or depending on the community, the majority of the private schools can be of a different faith, which can be uncomfortable for some people. I don't know that I would send my kids to a Catholic or Baptist (or whatever) private school. I don't like home schooling either. So what is a parent like me to do?

See the problem? If someone isn't Catholic then they are not comfortable with idea of sending their kids to a catholic private school. Why then is it okay to send them to school where they are told there is no God? Maybe the obvious contrast is easier to correct and teach than the confusion of slightly different doctrines among churches. My children are young and mostly focused on basics like grammar and multiplication but even now there are getting reading assignments to test their comprehension that include political/moral statements. One involved a thief running away from the scene. Multiple choice answers led reader to conclude that you shouldn’t get involved and let the police handle it. That’s garbage. Another involved global warming and how people are destroying the world. My kids don’t believe that because I have taught them better. Another incident with a cousin: teacher contradicted student who stated belief that Adam and Eve were first people on the earth. It starts early. It can be corrected but why do we allow it to happen? They should be reinforcing Sunday school not opposing it. Education cannot be separated from religious teaching. All the real lessons are the moral ones. Why shouldn’t they cheat on tests? Why shouldn’t the biggest kid be first in line? Why sit quietly and respect the teacher?

What don’t you like about home schooling? Private schools don’t have to be expensive. If people could get their tax money back that goes to schools they could use that to pay tuition.

illegal immigration marches

Seeing marches of people waving Mexican flags and demanding so-called “rights” angers me. Did they learn this socialist garbage from the French riots?

Arizona legislature is considering resolution to make English official language of Arizona. I don't think this is a new law, just a resolution stating purpose and opinion. I didn’t think much of it at first. I would generally agree with critics that these things are a waste of time. All the recent marches show that such action is needed. All these illegals marching in the streets waving Mexican flags is just wrong. They should be rounded up and driven to the border. All the kids ditching school can have fun explaining that to their parents. "mom, can you come pick me up?"

The Arizona taxpayers have no responsibility to teach people English. People should pay for such services. I definitely don't want my property taxes going to school classes to teach such things. One more reason to have each parent right a check for their student's school tuition. If they want to pay someone to teach their children English that would be great.

Some might think it strange but I am in favor of guest worker programs. I think people should be allowed to come here to work. I have no problem with that. It helps everyone. Work is good. Socialist welfare is not.

Part II

The marches will gain nothing except the wrath of working Americans who don't really begrudge illegal immigrants as long as they do what they came here for: Work. Marching in the street for non-existent rights will back-fire.

Congress may notice large crowds now because they put on a show but they will get another message come election time from the millions who are too busy to march for their cause but will take the time to vote later. Elections will go against those who make concessions to non-voters. Illegal aliens shouldn't be surprised at being treated like "second-class citizens". They aren't even that. They are criminals.

What is all talk of immigration reform to protect immigrants rights? They have human rights because they are human but they don't have civil rights because they are illegal aliens. You can't kill them because that violates Christian principles but you can deport them. They can claim rights like those described in the Declaration of Independence: Life, Liberty and Property. But they don't have civil rights desccribed in Constitution because they are not citizens.

p.s. I am opposed to line item vetos

more on labor unions

Interesting article on unions. It is another in a series from Paul Weyrich trying to plot out strategy of next conservativism. He separates labor from union and says that we need to work with labor to help them keep good jobs with out sending union dues to causes that damage them.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Lead in to war

I am a better reader than a writer. I don’t think I can finish the essay I wanted to write on slavery. But I will tell you the theme and you can read some of the material below to see if you agree.

Slavery is bad. The founders of the country realized this and struggled with it. But something so pervasive in one region is hard to get rid of. Slavery was part of the debate in Constitutional convention. Several compromises were added. The goal was to limit the power of slave states and to contain the practice. They did not successfully solve the problem but instead decided it was best to have a country and get rid of slavery later rather than have slavery and no country. It was debated from day one but not fixed. They only succeeded in delaying the fight for generations.

As soon as was allowed by the new Constitution the Atlantic slave trade was stopped in 1808. There was a self-sustaining population of slaves, however. Slavery was abolished in the northern states and in the northwest territories. Problems were created as vast new territories were added to the US possessions. Each required a new compromise as to how slave issue was to be handled. Louisiana Purchase, Texas and California, later New Mexico and Utah Territories. As the population grew and spread new states were added to the union. Balance was maintained with various agreements so that national abolition laws could not be forced on states that allowed slaves. Missouri Compromise of 1820 seemed a good attempt at this. A north/south line was established but needed to be extended because of western expansion. It seems talking and compromise worked until about 1854 when Stephen Douglas tried to get the planed railroad connected from California to Chicago instead of St. Louis. He also wanted to be President. It was a bad idea with too much given up to slave owners. Kansas-Nebraska Act repealed Compromise of 1820 and created confusion as to future of slavery. Containment was destroyed and talks broke down. In theory, all open territories could have slaves.

Dred Scott case was finally decided in 1857 and was another blow to peace because the court gave opinion that not only was a slave not free just because owner had resided in a free state for years. Plus they added a few things. They wrote that slaves were not citizens and descendants of slaves could never be citizens. As non-citizens they had no right to bring suits to court. They declared the Missouri Compromise unconstitutional. (Second time that ever happened, I read.) They basically said that all laws restricting slavery were not allowed. Slavery should be allowed everywhere. This got people upset of course. This is similar to the so called right to privacy. They just made it up.

Lincoln countered Douglas in his 1854 speech. Good speech, I will include a link below. Basically the fighting didn’t stop after 1854 and led right into the War Between the States. Bleeding Kansas, attack on Sumner in the Senate etc. With all this I'm not sure why the first shot is considered to be fired at Fort Sumpter in 1861. But after reading his speeches I can see why the slave states were so opposed to a Lincoln presidency.

These are some of the better websites I read. Not all are that great but you should read Lincoln’s speech about Kansas.


In no particular order
Bleeding Kansas http://www.assumption.edu/ahc/Kansas/
Rise of republican party http://lincoln.lib.niu.edu/biography6text.html
Dred Scott http://www.gdg.org/Research/Causes/causes5.html
dissenting opinions http://www.hrcr.org/docs/US_Constitution/dscott4.html
impact of Dred Scott http://www.watson.org/~lisa/blackhistory/scott/impact.html
http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/aia/part4/4h2933t.html african in america
http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/aia/part4/4h2933.html dred scott
http://members.aol.com/digasa/dubois.htm war to preserve slavery

Immigration Law needs reform

Marches in support of immigration lately in LA and Phoenix are crazy. How can anyone support illegal aliens? What a stupid idea. And why was the march targeted at Senator Kyl? I wonder if it has anything to do with the senator’s re-election this fall? He is a much better leader than McCain. Why didn’t they march on him? I might have joined them. This is a political ploy to get the opposition excited about the election. And make the republicans waste a bunch of money on the campaign to keep him in office. They can’t beat Kyl because he does a good job but they can force spending millions here in strategic move for other elections.

We need to improve security at the border. My vote is to close the border. Here is what needs to be done to solve this problem. For a start anyway…

1. Eliminate social programs that bait people into entering the US
2. Make entering the US illegally a felony
3. Add a worker program
4. Revise 14th Amendment so that children of aliens and tourists are not automatically US citizens. The slavery question that this clause addressed is long past. Should read “All persons born to citizens or those naturalized in the United States….”

Friday, March 24, 2006

Missouri Compromise

I sent the following question to History According to Bob. Hopefully he will respond in his podcast (which I highly recommend).

I have a question about the Missouri Compromise and later actions taken to repeal it.

I read in the Dred Scott decision (1857) that Justice Taney declared the Missouri Compromise of 1820 unconstitutional. Odd that, and wasn't it already repealed because of the Kansas- Nebraska Act (1854)? And the Compromise of 1850 appears to negate most of the 1820 Compromise. The deal struck in 1820 seems the best of them to me. Situations change but why go back and destroy what seemed a good idea? Doesn't seem like the best compromise is to throw out all the last compromises that have kept the peace.

Do you have a podcast on this or book to suggest on the topic?

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Government schools not religiously neutral

Should government education continue? Is government education beneficial? Is government education allowed according to powers granted to government in Constitution?
Education is good. Everyone agrees on that. Quote from Washington:

"Promote then as an object of primary importance, Institutions
for the general diffusion of knowledge. In proportion as the
structure of a government gives force to public opinion, it is
essential that public opinion should be enlightened. "

-- George Washington (Farewell Address, 19 September 1796)

I know some people think these organizations are crazy but I agree with stance taken by ExodusMandate.org on education. They say Christians have mandate to leave government schools. They refute argument that children need to be an example to the world. That is more the job of the adults.

Be a light? Salt of the earth? Yes, but only in cases where the children are not in danger. The Christians sending their children to government school are assuming the education they receive is religiously neutral. Something along the lines of the Freedom of Religion or "Let all worship according to the dictates of their own conscience". Government school is not religiously neutral. It is godless, humanistic, pagan by design. Most children not yet ready for that environment and that challenge. Would the same parents send their children to Jehovah’s Witness or Unitarian Sunday school for their religious teaching? That would be spiritually forbidden and morally irresponsible.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Socialism makes people worse

Ah, the French.
They are a like a crystal ball, letting us see our future if we try to act like them. What a disaster. They are rioting again because the country is falling apart and someone expects them to work. Economic cannabalism. They believe the myth that they can all support themselves off the labor of others. Legal plunder gone mad where everyone spends the whole day stealing from others pockets.
Go get a job!

Okay, that is my rant. Inspired by Dennis Prager's latest writings about the riots over at Real Clear Politics. (thanks Ross)

And it is time again for a plug of the greatest book written about socialism, from a frenchman no less, "The Law" by Frederic Bastiat. It is short - Read it.

And now I will accept submission of French Jokes.

such as......
(from purepolitics.com)

Why did the French Army cross the road?
The road just happen to be in the path of their retreat.

What do you call a french woman who sleeps with every man she meets?

And why are French streets tree lined?
So the Germans can march in the shade.

How many Frenchmen does it take to defend Paris?
No one knows. It's never been tried.

What do you call 100,000 Frenchmen with their hands up?
The army.

How many gears does a French tank have?
Five, four in reverse and one forward (in case of attack from behind).

How do you identify a French soldier?
Sunburned armpits

What do you call someone in France taking a bath?
A tourist

FOR SALE: French rifles . . . never fired, only dropped once.

p.s. another good one about french youth from Investor Bus. Daily
I had to add this because I love the last line comparing French and American systems:
Why the big difference? The U.S. system is based on the realities of economics, not the delusions of socialist policymakers who dream up nonexistent rights and believe that labor and risk should not be required to achieve comfort and security.


Friday, March 17, 2006

Katrina and gun control

Good articles on NCPA on Katrina and unlawful gun control during that time of crisis. Ask you lawmakers to protect your rights so they don't try this again during the next emergency.


"New Orleans was the first city in American history to disarm peaceable American citizens door to door at gunpoint, says NRA Chief Executive Wayne LaPierre, and it must be the last."

Gilbert Constitution Week

Gilbert Constitution Week
September 11 – 17 Lots of volunteers, sponsors and promoters needed.
Highland High School Gilbert, Arizona

Great lessons the whole week. Theme will be centered on celebration of Benjamin Franklin’s 300th birthday. Statesman, revolutionary, scientist, inventor, writer, printer, diplomat

Website needs an update but mark it so you can come back for updates.

I read the First American by H. W. Brands which was good. A lot of great quotes are attributed to him, whether he thought of them or just wrote them all down I don’t know. My latest favorite is:

Better to go to sleep supperless than to wake up in debt.

Crayons, snacks ... & HIV

Aids talk in Kindergarten

Your government schools in action. They decide what your little children need to know about (homo)sexually transmitted diseases.

Author Tom Bethell writes in his book, “Politically Incorrect Guide to Science” that there is no AIDS epidemic, not even in Africa.

Here is the news article about New York schools.

The party of smaller government?

Smaller government? Not a chance – Republicans are a long way off from Reagan’s view when he said that government is not the solution to the problem, government is the problem. (I rip on republicans because democrats are a lost cause)

Charleton Heston said

It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once. David Hume, the great Scottish philosopher, said that. I am a Scot myself. He was bloody right. For more than half a century, the shining Republic created by the blood of the Continental Army and a few great men has been nearly nibbled to death by the Democratic ducks in the Congress and a warmly cooperative Supreme Court.

There is now no aspect of American life, public or private, that the federal government does not invade, instruct and finally coerce to its will. Farm and factory, home and school, university and research center, club and playground-all are overlaid with a spidery network of laws, guidelines, restrictions and Draconian penalties that stifle the spirit, the energy, the creative capacity of what was once the freest nation on earth. In this hemisphere, now that Ortega and Noriega have fallen, the collectivists' sentiments discredited around the world fly best, I fear, in Cuba and Washington, D.C.

Of course, government is the problem. The armies of bureaucrats proliferating like gerbils, scurrying like lemmings in pursuit of the ever-expanding federal agenda testify to that amply. Tom Jefferson, the only genius we ever had, said that government is best which governs least. I am amazed you Democrats are still comfortable with Mr. Jefferson as your designated logo.

From AIM.org

Republicans have controlled the House for over a decade and the Senate for much of that time. The White House has been in Republican hands for six years. During the last decade Federal Government spending rose by 49% to nearly $2.5 trillion (FY 2005). The debt is now $8.2 trillion, an increase of two-thirds since 1995, when it stood at $4.9 trillion.

You likely did see a small note in news reports last week that Secretary Snow warned the government that they were going to run out of cash. They had reached the debt limits set in law. A friend sent me an email about it.

You can read the story here on yahoo

They approved the debt allowance even quicker than I thought. Not even time to call your representative to give him your views on the debt. New debt ceiling is $9 trillion. They should be knocking on that in less than a year at the rate they are going. No talk of actually stopping the spending. These guys are out of control.

Neil’s comment:

If government services weren't provided at the barrel of a gun, there would be market feedback to set the price of their services at an appropriate level. People would either abandon them for other service providers, or that gubmint function would go in the red and go out of business (ideally). This type of behavior can't go on forever. There's either going to be overt increases in taxation and the problems that causes (black market avoidance of taxation and capital flight) or continued monetization of the debt which will lead to hyperinflation. Either way, giving the junkies more junk is not a healthy response.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Democracy is not Freedom

I get tired of hearing about democracy. There aren't many good examples of democracy. Try to think of one and let me know. There are lots of bad ones. Mob rule. I thought I had written about it but couldn't find it. So I will add links to two articles that can explain it better than I.

Republic v. Democracy by David Barton

Democracy Is Not Freedom by Ron Paul

Gilbert Bonds

I hate debt. I hate bonds. I can't believe the town voted for this. Very dumb idea. Embarassing that we couldn't get more than 1292 people to vote against this thing.

$75 million in Bonds for streets

100% (20 of 20) precincts reporting

3379 72.34%

1292 27.66%

Only a total of 4671 people out of 150,000 residents voted in the bond question. An amazing 3 percent. 3379 voted for the bonds. So Gilbert will now spend $75 million on streets. 3379 people spent 75 million dollars. That’s $22,195 a head. I wonder if those people would just mortgage their own house to buy the roads instead.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Reading Applied Economics

I am reading Applied Economics: Thinking Beyond Stage One by Thomas Sowell which has excellent insight on politics and economics. Not finished yet but I can recommend it already.

Political Correctness from Neil

got an email from a friend that made me laugh. From a conversation about the 71 yr old teacher who became a "her" and was upset that some parents rejected the idea of it returning to the classroom.

Self sexual mutillation is exalted, but the sexual mutillation that African tribes perform on their women is disdained by tolerant liberals as misogynistic, even under multiculturalism. It's so hard to keep track of victimhood rankings status these days. Meanwhile, PETA disdains neutering animals, but the statists at the humane society and animal control offices do it pre-emptively to anyone whose pet "rat is a pig is a dog is a boy" falls into their clutches. What's a tax paying unit to do?

"Today we are going to display some body piercing "art" at show and tell..."

Monday, March 06, 2006

The non-awards

Top ten grossing movies of 2005 according to boxofficemojo

Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
War of the Worlds
King Kong
Wedding Crashers
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Batman Begins
Mr. & Mrs. Smith

Dominate theme seems to be good vs. evil. Mostly aimed at families; 5 marketed to kids. Only 1 R-rated movie made the list.

Lesser of two evils

If the presedential election was between Hillary Clinton and Fidel Castro, who would you vote for?

Thursday, February 23, 2006

no minimum wage increase

I was listening to Dave Ramsey and a caller asked why the government hasn't raised the minimum wage. Very funny. Because it hurts poor people. Because it damages economic structure. Because it is a dumb idea. Dave said the minimum wage is using the force of government to make your employer pay you more than what you can convince him to pay you.

Better to ask for a raise after proving good skills and performance. It is better to get an improved job. There are a million better ways to improve life and make more money than the government forces emplyers to pay.

Minimum wage is related to the false poverty level. You can set them anywhere you want. Make the minimum wage $20 an hour but then poverty level will be set at comparible level by the welfare agencies to hand out the generosity of better workers. Somewhere around $45,000 a year. And milk and bread will cost 4 times as much.

You can't succeed by forcing someone to give you something you haven't earned. That is theft

Forced abortions in Holland?

Alderman Marianne van den Anker has proposed forced abortions in certain conditions in Holland. Another abomination I read about today. And we thought only China would do something like this. She thinks it is better in cases were mothers are on welfare and HIV positive, mentally damaged rape victims etc not just anytime, of course. Also children of Aruban and Antilles gangs. Yep, thats compassionate. What a monster. I guess she expressed frustration that people were twisting her words. She was trying to help people.

"It's for your own good."

Right to Mobility

I have another rash of commercials lately for mobility devices primarily for the elderly. Scooters, power chairs, they have a lot of names. The commercials and the concept is very annoying.

It must be a pretty good scam because it has been going for years and more people are getting into it. Sucker the elderly into demanding a product or service for which others will pay. With all the future retirees I don't see this going away any time soon.

People have forgotten what "rights" mean. They must be baffled by civil rights, human rights and minority rights and all such nonsense. There is no such thing as civil rights. Silly words for an obscure concept. Using language like this for a product is absurd. "regain your right to mobility" "restore your freedom and independence" How about paying for it out of your own pocket!? All these companies advertise that the scooters are free because the government will pay for them. Well, that means that I am paying for them. Guess what? I don't want to. You force me pay. That is evil. Of course my beliefs in rights prevents from me retaliation.

I will have to write another post on definition of rights. But in short....It is something universal, extending to all, that cannot be granted or taken away. Mobility is not a right. Freedom on the dime of someone else is not liberty. Indepedence in terms of free scooters is not a right. You have a right to live. To protect that right you should avoid government care. I read this morning about the people killed in New Orleans after the hurricane. Many patients were given lethal doses of painkillers so the "caregivers" could evacuate to safety. Very nice. Ah, but who cares? They are just a drag on the socialist system, right? Lived past their usefulness? What monsters. Socialists pretend to care and offer all the benefits of a more advanced civilization but they lie and they kill.

I won't buy you a scooter but I would never kill you. I would never abandon a loved one to the control of others. My mom and dad would always be welcome at my house.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Unions stink

What is the purpose of unions? They are worthless, corrupt and a waste. They may have served a purpose in the past. I was surprised to read Ronald Reagan speak so highly of them. They resemble communists. Why are they still around? Why do people still pay them dues? They don't guarantee good work or results.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

unforeseen consequences

do-gooders. I don't think Woodrow Wilson was evil but a lot of bad things happened while he was president. Complex systems should not be strictly controlled. Especially when they have controls built into them, like a market. I have also complained about the 17th amendment before which greatly disrupts control of Senators and representative government. Senators should not be elected by the people.

American Minute
with Bill Federer
December 28

He thought tariff taxes between countries caused wars, so he worked to replace them the Income Tax. Four years later the United States entered World War I.
After the financial Panic of 1907, he promoted the Federal Reserve Act to prevent future national economic disasters. Eight years after he left office the Great Depression began.

His name was Woodrow Wilson, born this day, December 28, 1856.
While serving as the twenty-eighth President, he married Edith Bolling Galt, a descendant of Pocahontas. His administration saw the completion of Panama Canal, begun under President Theodore Roosevelt, and the purchase of the Virgin Islands from Denmark.

During World War I, in May of 1918, he proclaimed: "I, Woodrow Wilson, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim...a day of public humiliation, prayer and fasting, and do exhort my fellow-citizens of all faiths and creeds to assemble on that day in their several places of worship and in their homes, to pray Almighty God that He may forgive our sins and shortcomings as a people and purify our hearts to see and love the truth... beseeching Him that He will give victory to our armies as they fight for freedom."
P.O. Box 20163,
St. Louis, MO 63123

Monday, February 13, 2006

President Bush giving away the country

Remember when everyone got mad at Pres. Clinton for giving secrets to the Chinese? Pres Bush approved technology transfer to the Chinese. Why do they do this? I think it is very ignorant.

Michael Savage was upset about security on the way home from work today. Why are we selling commercial U.S. port operations in Baltimore, Miami, New Jersey, New Orleans, New York and Philadelphia to UNited Arab Emirates? Because Pres. Bush thinks they are important War on Terror?

(What happens if someone keeps attacking us when we turn around? Are we going to have a War on Back Stabbers?)

p.s. I think Exxon should get an award for the highest profits. Bravo. They are successful. They should get a trophy that they can keep until someone can beat them and make more money.

Gilbert elections and county islands

Vote no on the bonds.
Vote no! Vote no!
Gilbert Bond election March 14 2006.
I am amazed that people will vote for higher taxes. Its crazy but the bond issues always pass. I am sure this one will too. Another $75 million in debt. I was ripping on Queen Creek in an earlier post for their terrible roads. Roads are good to have but bonds are the worst way to pay for them. Why put the whole town in debt? Question of street improvements? Vote no. The roads will have to be replaced before the bonds are even paid off. Stupid idea.

Leave the county islands alone. People like that situation. Town of Gilbert is just looking for more revenue by annexing residents and scaring them by denying them emergency services. I don't know Rural Metro's part in this. They are business so it can't be just turning down customers for them. Very sad.

Friday, February 10, 2006

News items

News Items

Some of these are old since I haven’t written for a while but here are some important stories and my comments

Walmart vs. Maryland or Walmart and health coverage
Why does government think they have an ability to determine how a corporation spends it profits? A state is forcing a company to spend more money on health care for its employees. Absurd. This must be rejected. If allowed this will not end. Right now the limitation is companies with more than 10,000 employees. Why? No reason. This is an arbitrary number because some person hates Walmart. Why only 7% or 8% of profits on health benefits? No reason. Because it doesn't sound outrageous. In a few years every state will require every company to spend 65% of its money on health insurance and benefits just like the federal does with its budget. Do you think someone will question the rationale then?

Coal miners and nuclear energy
Sad that people died. Why don't we have more nuke plants so we don't need so much coal and oil? Because people are afraid of things like stupid movies with Jane Fonda that show nuclear near misses. BTW America still has the best safety record for mining. Proof that we care about people more than money.

Chinese competition
Is Chinese our competetitor? They are winning in one area but we are catching up fast. That is the race to bad government and excessive bureaucracy. They had a huge head start with the Great Leap Forward but we have George Bush.
Regarding manufacturing: clarification is needed in debate because we may be losing jobs but we are not losing manufacturing. America produces more than ever but much is automated. Effeciency gains means less people are needed. That is a good thing. But people need jobs. Sure but that is not a reason to hold back on effeciency and productivity. I heard an example that illustrates the situation. America produces far more food now with less farmers (less than 1% of population?) in 2006 than we did in 1906 when 30 or 40% of people were involved in agriculture. Why? Automation. Did America crumble because of changes in farm equipment?

Muslims and cartoons
Religion of peace rioting over a cartoon. Get a sense a humor. Freedom of religion does not include rioting in my book. If they try that here they should be shot. Best commentary I heard was from Ann Coulter.

p.s. minimum wage laws hurt the poorest the mostest

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Build your own roads

Build your own roads
Traffic in Queen Creek is horrible.  I won’t describe geography or growth statistics that have made the problem in this corner of Arizona unbelievably bad. The Mayor of Queen Creek isn’t taking prompt action to improve roads but is asking the county to improve the roads in the nearby area.  Build your own roads.  Pinal County doesn’t have a magic pot of gold to pay for road building.  Pinal County needs to improve roads in the county.  The towns need to improve roads in incorporated areas.  Transferring these costs up to the county or state (or federal government) solves nothing because it is a form of socialism.  
Pinal County can’t put all its resources in Queen Creek.  Coolidge and Florence and Casa Grande are also begging for money.  Why pretend to steal money from the county as though it won’t raise taxes?  And then you pay for it anyway.  Build your own roads.  You can’t live off everyone else.  

Medved sells out?

Medved sells out?
I heard a few minutes of Michael Medved’s radio show yesterday when he spoke about hybrid vehicles.  Interesting ideas but I was disappointed by him again.  He said one of the selling points was the $3,000 tax break.  You get money from the government for buying the car.  Government wants to promote alternatives to gas-fueled cars.  Good for the environment?  Socially conscious?  No, vile socialism! and behavior control.  We the people must be self-governed.  Don’t sell out for $3,000.   Medved said he has principles but he isn’t stupid.  He disagrees with the tax law but isn’t stupid enough to turn it down.  

I understand what he means.  I get a tax credit for my child.  Should I turn it down on principle because it requires me to enroll my child in Social Security, ensuring that my children can never work in this country without the government taking what wages they want in withholdings?  

Are Medved’s principles worth $3000?  Phrase it in the language of Bastiat – I know the law is illegal but I will plunder $3000 from my fellow citizens.  Everyone claims to have the advantage, living off of everyone else.  The government does not have $3000 to give him without taking it from me.  I can gain nothing through the government without taking it by force from someone else.  In fact, we are taking money from our children and grandchildren because the country is so many trillions of dollars in debt.   It is all legal theft.  Might as well steal from others because they are stealing from you.  

A new budget

A new budget
We have a new budget for 2006.   The government will spend over $2.5 trillion dollars. They will confiscate nearly $2.2 trillion in taxes.   They plan to spend $390 billion more than they make.  That deficit will be 3% of GDP for this year.  Over 60% of the budget is spent on socialist programs.  No way you can argue we are not a socialist country.  It is taking from one to give to another – legal theft.   When you look at the numbers it is amazing what a low percentage goes to military and defense.  Social Security and Medicare are continuing to ruin the country.  

Monday, January 09, 2006

Budget surplus?

Budget surplus?

The legislature is going to decide how to spend the $700 million surplus. How about using it to pay for part of the $1,000,000 shortfall they had last year for spending too much? I think the state is still $300,000 in the red