Charleton Heston said
It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once. David Hume, the great Scottish philosopher, said that. I am a Scot myself. He was bloody right. For more than half a century, the shining Republic created by the blood of the Continental Army and a few great men has been nearly nibbled to death by the Democratic ducks in the Congress and a warmly cooperative Supreme Court.
There is now no aspect of American life, public or private, that the federal government does not invade, instruct and finally coerce to its will. Farm and factory, home and school, university and research center, club and playground-all are overlaid with a spidery network of laws, guidelines, restrictions and Draconian penalties that stifle the spirit, the energy, the creative capacity of what was once the freest nation on earth. In this hemisphere, now that Ortega and Noriega have fallen, the collectivists' sentiments discredited around the world fly best, I fear, in Cuba and Washington, D.C.
Of course, government is the problem. The armies of bureaucrats proliferating like gerbils, scurrying like lemmings in pursuit of the ever-expanding federal agenda testify to that amply. Tom Jefferson, the only genius we ever had, said that government is best which governs least. I am amazed you Democrats are still comfortable with Mr. Jefferson as your designated logo.
Republicans have controlled the House for over a decade and the Senate for much of that time. The White House has been in Republican hands for six years. During the last decade Federal Government spending rose by 49% to nearly $2.5 trillion (FY 2005). The debt is now $8.2 trillion, an increase of two-thirds since 1995, when it stood at $4.9 trillion.
You likely did see a small note in news reports last week that Secretary Snow warned the government that they were going to run out of cash. They had reached the debt limits set in law. A friend sent me an email about it.
You can read the story here on yahoo
They approved the debt allowance even quicker than I thought. Not even time to call your representative to give him your views on the debt. New debt ceiling is $9 trillion. They should be knocking on that in less than a year at the rate they are going. No talk of actually stopping the spending. These guys are out of control.
Neil’s comment:
If government services weren't provided at the barrel of a gun, there would be market feedback to set the price of their services at an appropriate level. People would either abandon them for other service providers, or that gubmint function would go in the red and go out of business (ideally). This type of behavior can't go on forever. There's either going to be overt increases in taxation and the problems that causes (black market avoidance of taxation and capital flight) or continued monetization of the debt which will lead to hyperinflation. Either way, giving the junkies more junk is not a healthy response.
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