Tuesday, October 07, 2008

McCain Obama debate

I missed the first debate and part of this one.  It is hard for me to watch because they are such bad candidates.  Very boring. Obama is just flat out socialist.   McCain's proposals for mortgage relief lost my vote.  Mr. Anti-pork voted for the $700 billion monstrosity filled with pork on the grounds that it was an emergency.  Always is.   And now he proposed mortgage relief.  What a shame.   Guess I should have bought a mansion when I had the chance to be victim.  I played the market wrong.  Even with Palin I don't think I can vote for that.  Oh well, won't matter much.  McCain will carry Arizona without me.  
I can always vote for a third party.  I would never vote for Obama, whom I consider a baby-killer as cold as that may sound.  But he is definitely a socialist and I despise that also.

A recap on socialism of which Barack Obama is the worst type:
He will take your money to spend on programs you don't agree with because he thinks he is smarter than you and knows what is best for people and the country.  He and his programs will fail and it will be your fault.  Then he will say you aren't kind enough and that more sacrifice is required.   More taxes, more programs, more failure.   Government is not capable of solving the problems he wants to tackle.  The government does not owe you a retirement or healthcare or a job.   That is your problem to solve.  People have many rights but leisure and money and ease are not part of that package.  The idler shall not eat the bread of the laborer.  

The genius of capitalism is that it rewards work and intelligence.   Obama said he wants to tax rich people to make it fair.  Life is not designed to be fair.   Didn't anyone ever tell him that? He is delusional if he thinks he can make life fair.   He is especially crazy if he thinks life can be made fair through taxes.  It can't be done.  Attempting it is socialism and will always end in ruin.  

Read "The Law" by Frederic Bastiat who can explain this a lot better than I.  Read his brilliant pamphlet and you will wonder why Obama is pushing an idea that should have been crushed when this essay was written in 1830.  Law is justice.  It is the only source of "fairness" that Obama seeks.   Too bad he is way too far left to try it.  Only when people own and control their own resources, time, skills, labor and money can the best end be achieved.  Then the higher behaviors of people can become evident such as sharing.  Taxes are theft, charity is a gift.
Americans like to give and they will always take of people but it has to be done through communities and churches, not DC.

1 comment:

  1. Dennis Prager gave a great example of socialism today on the radio. He was discussing Fannie and the mortgage problem. He described it as someone who wants to use the government to do good. He quoted an official who wanted to get more people into homes so people would look up to him as a nice guy. The governments job isn't to do good. That is pretty twisted. And look at the results. Lots of people will lose money or their homes because people wanted to be nice. Government is never nice. That's not its job. Volunteer at a mens shelter if you want to be nice.
