A copy of my Facebook comments in opposition to this article on Patheos about bathroom issue.
This article is so poor. First line is false. Last line is a lie. Is it intentionally bad? Yes, I think so. A silly attempt to make an emotional appeal and cloud the situation, not provide insight. The argument for safety is consistent. This is pretty simple. Use the bathroom that matches your plumbing and stop dressing like the opposite sex.
1. There is no movement to make peeing while trans illegal. False.
2.People could always use the bathroom of their gender. Charlotte wanted to change that.
3.Forces on the right are not working tirelessly to make it illegal for trans to use the bathroom of their gender. False. Charlotte city council was trying to create a new protected class and it was poorly written, which would invite abuse of the rule. The state stepped in to correct it.
4.There is no issue of male violence. False. This is not the source of the bathroom issue.
5.It is possible that people would abuse the rule and enter the wrong bathroom. This is being reported where ever the rule is changed and the behavior allowed. This is not a fear but reality.
6.People should be safe in bathrooms. However, that is rarely a problem. This is as much about modesty. It isn’t too much to ask to ask men to use the men’s room. No one on the right said there is not a price too high to pay for safety of our families in the bathroom. It is false to equate this imaginary radical position to the left saying we need common sense gun regulations.
7.It is true that criminals don’t obey gun laws.
8.We should promote safety, both in the bathrooms and with guns. This isn’t a selfish protection of my rights over someone else’s rights. Men should use the men’s room and most gun owners are not a threat to anyone.
9.No one knew or cared about transgender using the bathroom until Charlotte city council got involved and created a mess.
10.Everyone believes that we should protect children. I even grant this to the left, even though the author says that the right doesn’t actually believe in protecting children. (which is absurd) The idea that all good is on the left, and no good is on the right is hardly worth countering. And people say that the right see things in black and white? This declaration of absolute moral superiority is the nuanced position. Just to be clear, I think there are good people on the right and left, and I assume that all adults are interested in the care of children. Hopefully rational people can agree on this position.
11.Recall it was the left on the Charlotte council that started this mess, not the state. They promoted this nonexistent problem.
“... ignoring the growing pile of dead children we seem to amass on a weekly basis from gun violence.” False - and yes that is a quote from the author. Just to be clear, no one, on right or left, would ignore a growing pile of dead children. But also there is NO growing pile of dead children we seem to amass on a weekly basis from gun violence. Obviously, claiming that the author is exaggerating is at the risk of verifying the claim that I am ignoring it. No, I realize that children have been killed. But it doesn’t happen weekly. And no one ignores it when it happens.
12.No one claimed transgenders will snap and assault people while washing hands.
13. “If these folks actually cared about the safety of our children, they’d be focused on what’s killing them on a daily basis” False. Another great quote. Both right and left care about the safety of children. This is a silly argument. Remember that the leading cause of death for children is traffic accidents. Following the example of the author one might accuse the country of ignoring the clear risk of not banning cars.
14.The right is not transphobic. That is another made up word with a fabricated problem to match. Phobia is an irrational fear. We do not fear transgender people. We just don’t want men in the girl’s room and that is not irrational.
O Little Town of Bethlehem
“O little town of Bethlehem, how still we see thee lie.”
I love that Christmas hymn! In my mind’s eye I can envision some small
desert village with smok...
5 years ago
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