Friday, August 20, 2010


What is marriage if not a man and woman?

Imagine if we open our minds to new possibilities in food definitions. Apples, spaghetti and chocolate could all be called vegetables if we are capable of modern thought and disregard silly traditions of the past. All food deserves to be vegetables. Besides tomatoes are a fruit of the tomato plant anyway so many fruits really are vegetables and vegetables are fruit so the restrictive language of the past need no longer apply. Plus broccoli and brussel sprouts were never really good examples of things that people would want to eat anyway. No cucumbers will be harmed if we allow the definition of vegetable to evolve. The food harassment needs to end, allowing all edible things to enjoy the full rights denied them for thousands of years. It’s time for all food to have an equal place at the table.

How does that change things? Does it really matter? Are vegetables changed because fruit can now be a vegetable? Aren’t they still healthy? Words are just words and why is the government involved in defining adequate nutrition or food and drug standards anyway? The food pyramid represents control and tyranny. Stop hating food.

Stop discriminating and go eat your vegetables. (And by that I mean cookies.)

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Vote yourself another tax?

Here is a copy of my response to someone promoting prop 100 in Arizona:

The crisis in Arizona is caused by taxes that are too high and people that don't understand the proper role of government. Taxes are always too high. I can't believe anyone would actually vote to have more of their money taken away. If you want something just pay for it. The real problem is that you want to force other people to pay for what you want. I don't want to pay for your school. Why are you voting to make me pay? Does that seem right to you? You are free to donate an extra eight cents to your favorite teacher every day. But instead you use the force of law to coerce me to pay it. It is legal plunder. It is immoral. If you had personally put your hands on my wallet I would push you away so instead you send the IRS. Somehow that makes you think you are supporting a noble cause. In my eyes you are still a thief but worse, one that hired a bully as enforcer. Please vote no - against all taxes. Just write a check instead if you think the problem is a lack of money in schools.