Slavery vs. Socialism
I think it is appropriate to make a comparison between the problems of solving Social Security and solving slavery. Both are terrible but were thought to be beneficial when introduced. Both are terribly difficult to get rid of, primarily because of the benefit provided to some. They desire to see their benefits continue regardless of damage that might be caused to others. Social Security, medicare and all other government entitlements do not benefit everyone. There is a high cost in dollars and principles. Many people become enslaved in the system, their futures determined by others. Generally by beauracracy.
Getting rid of social security will be painful. As with slavery, many things have been tried to improve the system but the pain of reality is only delayed, with the problem actually getting worse. Sides of the argument are chosen, with some expanding the practice while others struggle to end it. Alternatives are offered on both sides. Smart men with great ideas offer a multitude of suggestions which are rejected.
Years pass with no solution. The very passage of time makes the problem worse. As with chattel slavery of the south, the mere passing of time guarantees that more victims are involved. Also there is a certain legitimacy granted as the institutions age, a new generation rises that know no way to manage their affairs. The plague becomes a part of the culture. Soon it appears that the way things are is how it has always been and the way it will always be. It takes less time than one might think. The bill was passed in 1935. And yet rebellion and revolution can also seem to occur quickly and surprise the tyrant when years of compromise and debate are disregarded.
Slavery was considered an abomination at the time of our country's founding but even that group of gifted, inspired, brave, energetic, visionary men did not have a solution to the problem. In what I believe to be a wise choice and an example to all, those that opposed slavery tempered their objections in favor of creating bonds that would establish a nation. The oppression of the king was a greater evil to fight so they joined as brothers and established the greatest country the world has ever seen. Slavery was thought to be contained and the problem was passed on to another generation. Many of those greatest of men were also slave holders and yet remain great and we are blessed for their efforts.
What do we do now? Is it time to face this problem? Is there a greater evil present that forces us to ignore the problem that massive debt, social security and other entitlements present to us? Many focus on the frauds of global warming and second hand smoke. Those are distractions of the bored elite. Islamism presents a problem, along with our continual state of wasr. I don't believe that our battle against those that wish to kill us would damaged by a struggle to restore our freedoms at home and reduce our debt. It would help clarify our liberties and the many blessings of God on our country.
Does the argument against Social Security need to be made again? I am a committed abolitionist so I sometimes forget that some people actually want these entitlements. These programs are socialism and socialism does not work. Read Bastiat or Sowell. How can we end socialism in the United States? Can't make everyone move to Europe to enjoy the model they wish to impose on us. I think education is the only answer. There is little economic education in our schools however, and the government schools are corrupted by unions and liberals who have no interest in teaching people about the morality and superiority of capitalism over socialism. In order to end socialism I think we need change our educational system.
Once there are enough people that understand the evils of socialism we can rely on the will of the people to end it. Along with education, a sacrifice will be required. It won't be easy to end social security and get people off the drug of spending other people's money. A generation of people will need to pay into the system knowing they will receive no benefit. Other wise it is difficult to break the cycle because every person feels entitled to receive benefits from a system that they have paid in to.
While it would be proper, it would be cold hearted to simply stop all payments and end social secuity and all other entitlements. The disruption would be too great. This would be like releasing all slaves in the pre-war south. The blacks required liberty but a workable realistic solution was necessary other wise the economy would be destroyed because the engine of labor was removed. The south understood and feared the damage that would be caused by ending slavery and clearly expressed it. Many ideas were debated but none was put into place. The slaves, although free, would be in a worse position if simply cast out with no rights, no property, no income, no prospects, no education, no future. Chaos would result. Today we acknowledge the same sort of shock to our stability if we end social security but, like the slave holders, refuse to see the price paid for that stability and its coming doomsday. Many refuse to see the scope of the problem since it is difficult to imagine a trillion dollars. The price paid in honor and liberty has no scale by which to measure.
We need better education. Retirement needs to be delayed beyond the artificial setpoint of 65 years for those that are capable. If people are living longer then they should work longer. A simple fix to the budget problems that Social Security is facing would be to raise the retirement age until income equals payments. Simply balance the budget of the systems based on the taxes collected from the workers and the payments written in checks to those that can't work. In the end this would fail also but at least it would clarify to all those involved that socialism cannot suceed in anything except destroying wealth and will end in failure sooner or later. It is doomed.
The only way to win is to put an end to social security. The long path will work I think. My plan is that no one currently under the age of 55 be allowed to draw any financial benefit from our current socialist system. That will allow everyone within 10 years of retirement the time required to make arrangments to pay for their retirement. Those that are eligible but do not want or need the money can opt out and thus speed the recovery and participate in the revolution. Once the current recepients have died, the tax can end, with the money saved enhacing the retirement of everyone no longer tied to a government system. The system is a ponzi scheme with each generation pawing off the cost to the next. Somebody has to pay the bill, in effect flushing money down the toilet so that their children can be free of chains.
O Little Town of Bethlehem
“O little town of Bethlehem, how still we see thee lie.”
I love that Christmas hymn! In my mind’s eye I can envision some small
desert village with smok...
5 years ago
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