Monday, July 20, 2009

Another debate is over

President Obama declared that the time for discussion is over. He has a plan for healthcare reform. ......... that's all. He is ready to move forward and Congress is just holding back America from healthcare bliss. Like Al Gore declaring the debate over, this is a sign that they are losing. Support for healthcare is slipping. I don't want healthcare reform - I want government reform. Government has no business in healthcare. Bad idea. But the debate needs to happen in Congress to produce a bill that people have read and understood. We can't tolerate another rammed down the throat 1000 page bill that no one reads. (Stimulus, cap and trade) Transparency, discussion, open-mindedness. What happen to those ideas?

And I don't even want to argue about cost, which is horrendous. I don't care what scheme they come up with to hide the cost. I don't want government in healthcare even if they fake cheap prices. This is more about power than money.

1 comment:

  1. I don't want the gov in healthcare either, at any cost.
    Obama and his open, transparent discussions are a joke
    I wrote Gabbie, but I am sure I will get the same response...I just don't understand the issues.
    I understand them, maybe not perfectly, but enough to know when to STOP.
    So, are we hanging by a thread yet?
