Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The fairness doctrine

There is still some talk about implementing the Fairness Doctrine.  The name is orwellian, of course.  TV and newspapers would be excluded so to whom does this apply?  Instead of writing a complicated law that is full of lawyer talk and loopholes, I propose that the law read as follows:

The Fairness Doctrine

The following people should shut up:
1. Rush Limbaugh
2. Sean Hannity
3. Hugh Hewitt
4. Glenn Beck
5. Dennis Prager
6. Michael Savage
7. Laura Ingraham
8. Michael Medved
9. Dr. Laura
10. Bill Bennett
11. Michael Levin
12. Neil Boortz
13. Dennis Miller
14. Bill O'Reilly

That's it, simple enough.  Are there any to add?  I bet you can't reach twenty.  If these people would just shut up then everything would be fine?  I don't think so


  1. HA! That is the wrong list!!!

  2. That is so funny! Fairness doctrine is the most ridiculous name--is that what orwellian means? I heard a clip by Clinton, sooo transparant on what "they" consider the problem. I can't hear fairness on mainstream media so I turn elsewhere. Looks like many people feel that way or there wouldn't even be that many on that list you made. Somehow they all make a living, so...
