Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Does Canada prove socialism works?

No, socialism is still evil. I am not impressed with Canadian style socialized medicine. I recognize that socialism comes in degrees and that Canadia is not a soviet gulag. However, there are too many bad examples of slow and insufficient health care. Our system is better. Face facts. One argument for Canadia’s system is that it avoids bankruptcy due to a single horrific event. But that exception to the rule is no reason to abandon property rights, which are vital to liberty. If only socialism was voluntary. But it cannot be. No one can ever opt out of such a benevolent, and therefore mandatory, government system.  Like ACA (Obamacare) you WILL participate. There is no option. Comply or die. That is government socialized healthcare - because if you don’t buy healthcare then you pay a fine. If you don’t pay a fine then you go to jail. If you won’t go to jail then you are arrested. If you refuse to be arrested then you will be shot. Law is force and only has effect if backed up with violence. That is why constitutionalists believe in small limited government. Law should only be used where necessary. But back to bankruptcy….
Socialism is the worst of many cures for the fallen state of man that includes death and disease and now debt. A simple catastrophic health care insurance plan would do the same thing as Canadian healthcare and perform much better. The solution already exists and works. The goal is to spread out the risk of something like cancer treatments destroying your life savings or a car wreck limiting your ability to earn a living, right? That is always the risk of the human condition. Socialism doesn’t fix that. It cannot overcome debt by stealing from others. Gofundme would be a better route, relying on the generosity of others to ease your sudden burden. Church and communities have taken care of these types of problems in the past but the goal of socialism appears to be the elimination of normal support networks. Socialism is a great lie, imitating what it doesn’t have the ability to deliver.   

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