Thursday, August 25, 2011

Ridiculed when right Part II

Romney is still being ridiculed by the ignorant who are mocking his comment that "Corporations are people".  Comments on lefty blogs cheer on the lefty leaders and lefty pundits who make fun of the idiot who thinks that corporations are people. 
It is depressing to me to hear the uneducated gang up and congratulate each other on how clever they are while publicly displaying their own ignorance.  Who thinks that Mitt Romney doesn't know what he is talking about when discussing business and corporations?   That has been his whole life.   That's like mocking Chuck Norris talking about a roundhouse kick.
Let me be clear: Corporations are people.  That is the legal definition.

Maybe I will need to write a series of stupid comments that are repeated by the media rather than refuted.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

1 comment:

  1. On providing a recap of all the stupid things media says and reports, I don't think I could handle the stupidity being repeated. But, maybe if you provided commentary on why it is stupid...that would be interesting.
