Friday, February 11, 2011

global warming believers?

Has this hoax finally died? Does anyone really believe in global warming anymore? The scientists are all frauds. The stories in the press are lies. AlGore is in hiding. I haven't heard any good arguments lately. Plus everyone is freezing. Remember that plants eat carbon dioxide and there is only 0.03% in the atmosphere so they are eating all they can. Start your engine and save a starving plant.

What is the next scare? I think we are going to go back to the old favorite of over population. The communists and big government monsters killed so many millions (over 120 million from 1939 to 1969) that this was a hard argument to make but we have had so many years of peace that I am sure it will come back. We need a credibility check. When the next scare starts the first question should be: Did you also believe in global warming?

The Obama train

Pres. Obama called for $8 billion to be spent on high speed trains. Why? Are there crowds of people on slow trains that will get relief from faster trains? The government doesn't build trains or railroads. (Ever heard of the despised rail barons?) Why should taxpayers pay for it? THERE IS NO MONEY! You didn't hear the tea party message? Stop spending, especially for things that no body wants. Get the EPA and the DOT to approve trains and people would build them and make money. The President is clueless. If he wants a train he would say - here is a permit for construction and a business license and a promise not to collect taxes on tickets for the first three years for any and all takers. Now just need to figure out to keep the unions and lawyers out of it.

Facebook stinks

Communication clarification
I don't really like facebook. Except I have some clever friends. And I have enjoyed talking to some people from long ago. I don't like what people put on facebook so I hate adding anything of my own. I can't respond to people without sounding like a monster. Should I unfriend them because they are idiots? Why would you tell me something so horrible without expecting a response. Do I write "REPENT SINNER!"? Plus most people are wrong about politics and economics. Just ask me and I will tell you. HA! And there are some really boring things that no one cares about. You actually took the time to type that? I started to write examples but I can't even do that without offending someone. So I ignore most of facebook. It's a waste. I am fond of the ignore settings. Besides I only ever write political stuff that nobody cares about so I decided to break the link between twitter and facebook. :) Just smile - no arguments here. I will be nice to my "friends" and only put my rants on twitter. If you want it, then follow me on twitter. Maybe I should make a list of things I do follow on facebook or twitter - Sorry if you aren't on the list.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Pres. Bush was a better teleprompter reader than Pres. Obama.

How to begin to fix the economy: (some starters)
1. Get rid of the EPA and allow permits for new oil fields, refineries and mines.
2. Lower the debt ceiling by 5% for the next 20 years.
3. Raise the Social Security retirement age by 6 months every year until the account is balanced.
4. Disband the Department of Education, call it a budget reduction.

I hate that blogger restricts "cut and paste". So irritating and what is the point?

The Persuasive Essay:
I usually don't have the patience to finish something I am writing and be able to call it a persuasive essay. I tend to write only when I am mad at something. But I realize a rant is rarely persuasive. It never works well but I will try again. Most of the people that need convincing don't listen to me.
So I will make another attempt at analyzing the President's state of the union address. I still haven't listened to Paul Ryan's response, or not all of it. I heard a couple clips on the radio that were very good.

Analysis of President's Speech
It begins with congratulations to the 112th Congress. But congrats for what? He never says. Speech writers are terrible. How can this start this way. Is he congratulating them for getting elected? Odd, that opening should have been a welcome, not a congratulations. First line is bad. Next line is about Giffords. She and her family have my sympathy but the story is abused. The calls for civility after the shooting in Tucson are stupid. We have two parties because people disagree. If we all got along then we would have one party. If we were stupid like the rest of the world we would adopt their ruinous parliament system and then we would have two hundred parties because people always disagree. Our third vice president shot and killed the secretary of the treasury. We have always had angry political arguments. Imagine if Biden shot Geithner. That would be a story. Brooks nearly killed Sumner when he beat him in the Senate with his cane. We are more civil now, it's just that there is a wider gap in our values. Socialist don't want the same things I do.

Paragraph 4 - "We share common hopes and a common creed." I doubt it but its hard to argue when I don't know what he is talking about. What is our common creed? I don't like Pres. Obama or anything he does. Pres. Bush was a socialist and irritated me with all his garbage. Now it feels like the end of the world. When the socialist and thought police are trying to take over I am not interested in cooperation. I want gridlock among the lawmakers and argument among the people. Cooperation is capitulation. Anger is freedom.

I thought it was lame that the parties were mixed in Congress when the president gave his speech. It just makes it easy for people to hide. I want to see which party stands and applauds. "Work together", "get along" Blah, blah. Pres. Obama is trying to ruin the country and I don't want anyone to get along with him or work together with him. Any congressmen who don't fight to cut the budget will be taken out in primary challenges.

Enough for now. Pres. Obama needs better speech writers.