Thursday, August 04, 2005

"Smart Growth" is socialism

City planners who try to implement smart growth policies to combat "urban sprawl" are following guidelines from communist planners of 50 years ago. They are not deterred by the utter failure of communism and disgraceful living conditions produced by the communists in Europe. I am sure they think tighter rules are needed. They say to themselves, "communism is good in theory. Those guys just weren't communist enough. We can do better".

Let's give communism another chance
Capitalism is the only solution. Check out Chad's comments on this ideal.

Source: Randal O'Toole, "It's 'Smart Growth,' Comrade," Liberty, July 2005


  1. As another westerner, I think smart growth makes a lot of sense. I mean, look at our limited reasoures! Where does Pheonix get it's water anyway?

    Just my opinion.

  2. Wow, that was quick. Never had such a fast response to a post.

    Phoenix gets its water from reservoirs on the Salt River. They are doing pretty well with the growth since people use less water than farming and ranching. As they fill the cotton fields and dairies with homes they are using less water.

    Smart growth has more to do with land resources and forcing the human plague as they think of it to stay contained in urban areas. Of course, no one wants to live in urban areas. They want to live outside in nicer neighborhoods. There is no shortage of land in the west.
