Maurice Hinchey (C-NY)
Is Maurice Hinchey a communist? Should he change parties? He is definitely a socialist. I am looking for a transcript or audio. It was played on Hugh Hewitt also.
Hinchey said the oil situation was a mess and that the people should take it over and run the industry for the benefit of all. (That is communism)
Just to be clear - this has been tried before and it doesn't work. Hugo Chavez just did this. Of course the "people" still don't own the oil in his country. He does. The "people" have never owned anything. Socialism is designed to destroy money and capital. Its purpose is not economy but power and so those in charge ruin everything in attempt to get and keep power.
The "people" (which means would-be tyrants) cannot take property from oil companies except through theft aka legal plunder. Such a suggestion violates all property rights.
Hinchey's plan is that he own the oil so he can set the price (and get rich meanwhile) instead of oil companies providing a service to their customers.
I didn't find the audio but got one quote from FoxNews which is this:
Rep. Maurice Hinchey (D-NY), member of the House Appropriations Committee and one of the most-ardent opponents of off-shore drilling
"We (the government) should own the refineries. Then we can control how much gets out into the market."
O Little Town of Bethlehem
“O little town of Bethlehem, how still we see thee lie.”
I love that Christmas hymn! In my mind’s eye I can envision some small
desert village with smok...
5 years ago