Friday, June 20, 2008

Hinchey (C-NY)

Maurice Hinchey (C-NY)
Is Maurice Hinchey a communist? Should he change parties? He is definitely a socialist. I am looking for a transcript or audio. It was played on Hugh Hewitt also.

Hinchey said the oil situation was a mess and that the people should take it over and run the industry for the benefit of all. (That is communism)

Just to be clear - this has been tried before and it doesn't work. Hugo Chavez just did this. Of course the "people" still don't own the oil in his country. He does. The "people" have never owned anything. Socialism is designed to destroy money and capital. Its purpose is not economy but power and so those in charge ruin everything in attempt to get and keep power.

The "people" (which means would-be tyrants) cannot take property from oil companies except through theft aka legal plunder. Such a suggestion violates all property rights.

Hinchey's plan is that he own the oil so he can set the price (and get rich meanwhile) instead of oil companies providing a service to their customers.

I didn't find the audio but got one quote from FoxNews which is this:
Rep. Maurice Hinchey (D-NY), member of the House Appropriations Committee and one of the most-ardent opponents of off-shore drilling

"We (the government) should own the refineries. Then we can control how much gets out into the market."

The Hope Drive

I was laughing listening to the radio the other day when Dean Barnett substituted for Hugh Hewitt. They were mocking Barack Obama's ideas about creating a car that doesn't run on gas. I wonder if I could find the audio on their website?

I found his post on the site and it includes audio from Barack. Check it out. here is audio link (hope that works right)

Drilling won't help but a new warp drive will. Dean named it the "Hope Drive". It runs on
90% Hope
5% Change
5% Corn

Ha! Very funny!


"We will have spent by the time this thing is over well over a trillion dollars, one trillion dollars. Think about what we could have done with a trillion dollars. Think about, think about what we could have done if we had invested even half of that even a quarter of that into research into clean energy, developing new ways of transporting people, if we had tried to look at how are we going to create a new engine that doesn't run on fossil fuels. Imagine that. Over the last five years, we could be in a position now where we could have perhaps sliced our energy consumption by a third, and if we had done that gas prices would be low because people wouldn't be using gas."

Barack on the economy, carbon etc

A couple comments:

The economy is not in recession. Many economic indicators are up.

The oil prices are just a bubble. There is no shortage. It is just speculation driving prices. I bet it won't last as long as the housing bubble. And likely crash harder

Barack Obama is mourning the loss of money spent in Iraq that could have been used to make a car that gets better gas mileage. Check your Constitution buddy. It allows for war but not for research projects. He doesn't want to drill for oil because that won't help. But I have to write a separate post on that.

Besides Global Warming is a hoax, nothing but green communism.

Drill now. Drill in ANWR. Drill off shore. Get the oil shale. There is no oil supply shortage in the US. The only problem is that congress has placed so much out of reach. I wonder about the legalities behind that. How does one go about purchasing a piece of coastal shelf on which to drill? Why does DC own it?

Carbon is not the enemy. Carbon Dioxide is not a pollutant. Carbon is the fourth most abundant element in the universe according to Wiki. You aren't going to rid of the stuff. Politicians and environmentalists should speak more precisely about carbon when they refer to carbon credits, carbon footprint etc in my opinion. Carbon is not the same as carbon dioxide any more than sodium is the same as sodium chloride. Some things you can eat and others you can't.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Apathy as an American value

The world is sometimes ugly. I am sometimes amazed that we survive. Hard not to be depressed at times when you see bad things in the world. I wonder that everything hasn't fallen apart. For example, a judge in California recently decided that homosexual marriage is legal in that state. That is pretty bad - the people just clarified the law and gave common consent to the idea that marriage is man and woman. Everyone knows what marriage is and most people just want to play a game with the kids after work. I don't have energy to fight judges about the definition of marriage.

If one person can cause so much havoc then how do you resist it? I read Liberal Fascism and he gives a bunch of examples of how things got bad and how the fascist ideas keep coming back and reaching for power. They are always the same. But they don't quit. Mussolini, Wilson, Hitler, FDR, peaceniks. All on the same script.

Dennis Prager is sometimes pessimistic about the goodness of humanity. I am more optimistic than he is, believe it or not. He has a good example though. It takes 10,000 good drivers to keep traffic moving well and only one to mess the whole thing up.

So if one bad person can hurt so many then how do we survive? How can things be fixed or improved if no one cares? We had an election recently and the voter participation was somewhere around 5%. Almost no one voted. Trying to get people involved or to man volunteer booths is nearly impossible.

While reading Liberal Fascism I tried to think of a reason that they have failed in so many attempts to seize power. On one hand they have had a lot of success. I am not fond of most government programs. In my view both major parties have taken a steady march to the left and we have come a long way from the constitutional republic we started with. But on the other hand I think the struggle to get people involved shows the positive side of American political apathy. We just don't care enough to get excited. People prefer to watch football over attending political rallies. I think there is too much goodness and kindness to support fascist tendencies for long. Ruling your neighbors world takes to much effort. The elitist minority can't keep up the excitement long enough to fire the average Joe into socialist revolution. It seems to work in our favor somehow.

Liberal Fascism

I read Liberal Fascism by Jonah Goldberg and I recommend it. It took a while to finish since he covers a lot of history but it is worth reading. I should write about it and some of the things I learned. I was amazed at how twisted historical view can be. It reminds me of all the college kids wearing Che t-shirts, thinking its cool. Goldberg even mentioned it in the book. He was a murderer, but I guess as long as you murder the right people....