Taxes on people to support the environment.
This is a scary article. Some people believe in their cause so fervently that they are willing to enforce it on others. Very much like medieval muslims spreading their religion by the sword, these doctors and scientists aren't concerned about your beliefs. Or like 19th century arrogant philosophers and utopians spreading false ideology of socialism, they think they are smart enough to control everyone. This is how it starts but where does it lead??
Of course, they deserve to make the rules because they are smarter than you are. And if their plan fails then the cause is only that they weren't given enough control over your life to make you do what was best for yourself and everyone else.
We have seen the results of this thinking before. Some obvious examples? Hitler - 10 million dead. Stalin - 20 million dead. Mao - 30 to 45 million dead (but who's counting, there are still too many Chinese people)
I remember hearing about population control when I was young. I was glad that it went away, for a while anyway. The scare-mongers thought everyone would starve to death if more babies were born. The population was going to explode! But they were wrong and people found ways to make more food than we could ever eat. So they are trying a new tactic: Go Green! Don't breath, don't eat, don't breed. Or everyone will die and you will be responsible. If you can't control yourself then we will make you pay. If that doesn't work, then we will begin "selective reduction" of the worst offenders, and maybe some people that just don't contribute to society anyway. If you don't have skills and abilities that can contribute to the solution then you are just a parasitic free-loader draining the earth's dwindling resources.
These ideas have been wrong for a hundred years and that hasn't changed. They have no right to control people, especially how many children one has. That is a basic human right. All people are children of God and should be treated with respect. To play with them as cattle is horrific. We can always use more people and we will always find better ways to clothe and feed them.